YES it's this week end everyone is welcolm to the Show, Trade Session, and Annual Meeting of the Florida Chapter
The show is open to the public Thursday through Sunday at the Orange County Convention Center on International Drive in Orlando Fl. this weekend. The
"Florida Chapter" is scheduled to meet on Saturday, Jan. 12, from 3:00-4:30 PM in Room 231C of the Orange County Convention Center. A swap session will follow the meeting. This meeting is open to the public and there are no dues to belong to the chapter.
I will be manning the Booth at the show everday so stop by and say "howdy". The following Chapters will also have there reps at the booth. Silver Strikers, SlabFREE, New York Chapter, as well as others.
Displays of chips, slot cards, silver strikes and other gaming items will be on display for the public to view.
This show is the largest coin and money show of its kind and draws thousands of the general public. See Ya there Brian Bishop, Vice President