We have a couple of new developments regarding the COTY/TOTY/SSOTY Awards Contests and
In the first development, it has been suggested that each year, beginning with this year’s competitions, that shortly after the thirty different nominees (10 in each category) are identified, an additional responsibility of the COTY/TOTY/SSOTY Chair will be to actively solicit loaners of each nominated candidate for display during the Convention. Simply stated, it is the intent of the Chair to display all thirty actual nominees to the COTY/TOTY/SSOTY competitions throughout the duration of the Convention. Of course the Diamond (1st), Platinum (2nd) and Gold (3rd) place finishers in each category will be identified, as will the total vote counts for each piece. At the end of the Convention all the loaned items will be returned to their owners, HOWEVER……
The owners of the Diamond place finishers in each category will be asked to donate their loaner , permanently, to the Club. Those winning pieces will then be added to a Club collection comprised of each years winning COTY, TOTY and SSOTY contestants. Donating a winning contestant is neither a requirement, nor a condition of loaning . In the event that the owner of a loaned winner does not wish to donate the piece to the Club, then the COTY/TOTY/SSOTY Chair will solicit a donation from other Club Member(s) and/or the casino(s) that created the winning piece(s), or as a last resort, with financial and budgetary approvals, the Club may purchase the needed pieces.
This year’s COTY/TOTY/SSOTY competition marks the Club’s 10th such contest and obviously we are ten years behind in establishing the Club’s COTY/TOTY/SSOTY Collection. To remedy this we are making a solicitation here for the donation of past winners by Club members. It is our intent (Archie Black and myself) to acquire all the past winners and make them a permanent part of the Club. Each year they will be put on display during the course of the Convention, thereby representing the Club’s legacy to future members and non-member attendees. Furthermore, the display can be made available for other Club sanctioned events and proudly displayed as a representation of Club activities.
Seen below are the chips, tokens and Silver Strikes that we are attempting to acquire. Please take a moment to review these items and in the event that you have duplicates AND you are feeling generous, please contact Archie or myself to make donation arrangements. Those pieces struck through with a red line have already been donated.
Thanks You,
Jim Follis