However, I will say this about the $1 Harrahs' black ring chips. It is generally accepted that the black rings that do NOT glow are the original black ring BJ chips that Harrah's opened with. The original black ring chips were removed when the gray ring chips were introduced. When the "new" re-issued black ring chips were re-introduced and the grey rings removed ... the new black ring chips were uv tagged. Since then, both uv and non-uv black rings are currently intermixed on the tables. However, in addition to the tagging ... a difference in the lettering exists which is easy to distinguish with the naked eye.
As for overall non-inclusion of uv variations in my catalog .... I chose to only include "naked-eye" variations. I think that a specialized catalog of uv markings on A.C. chips is a project that someone else interested in those variations should publish.
For example; my "non-official" A.C. catalog does not include roulette chips either .... which have a broader appeal to chip collectors (in my opinion) than uv variations. Jerry Birl has published an excellent catalog several years ago (now out of print) that sorely needs to be updated on A.C. roulettes. I understand that Jerry is making considerable headway with his ambitious project and plans to come out with a roulette catalogue depicting A.C. roulette chips in color! I'll be first in line to purchase a copy! At this time, I don't think that Jerry is planning to cover uv variations on roulette chips.