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The Chip Board Archive 06

I am off to Monte Carlo, the real one, vbg

As some of you might know our 'national' airline Sabena went bankrupt last week. They have now formed a new airline, DAT , and they started a promotion campagne today. Book before the end of the week to any of 28 European destinations, one way, airport tax included for �50 (like $50) so return for �100. I rushed to my travel agent and I am off tomorowmorning. I will be back friday afternoon, so I you have bid on auctions running from me on Ebay and Jackpot please be patient till friday.
I have to go and safe some jetons and plaques from the oven vbg rofl Only 41 days till the � ...
When I have my coca-cola at the bar in the old Casino (no hot-dogs in Monaco... *sad) I will think of you guys. rofl
Take care and kind regards,
Belgium Bob R-4479

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I am off to Monte Carlo, the real one, vbg
A view inside, for those who haven't been there...

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