Downtown, at the Plaza, in their gift shop you can get a pair of dice for 25¢, not a bad deal. You can even pick through the bucket and find a matched set. And if you are really patient, you can pick through for a "stick" of five (all matched).
Cards, on the otherhand are very universal in their pricing: .99¢ to $1.49 at the gift shops. But beware! When I buy decks, I open them up and count the cards. Many times the jokers are gone, or the cancellation (usually cut corners) is not consistent. In other words, sometimes the cutting of one corner is done while the cards are stacked both right-side up and right-side down. The cancellation is bad enough, but when it is not uniform, it is even worse (in my opinion). I also open them to get rid of the sticker as soon as possible. The longer it stays on, the more damage it causes.
Lastly, have a player ask the pit for dice and/or cards. The worse they can say is no. If they say OK, then you just got them for free.
Good luck,