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The Chip Board Archive 05

Nebraska Video Slots

Saying they want to keep gambling dollars in Nebraska, a group of bar

owners launched an initiative petition campaign Friday to change the state

constitution and allow video slot machines in bars.

"We've got gambling in Iowa, South Dakota, Kansas and Colorado," said Joe

Young, owner of Omaha's Choo Choo Bar and Grill and a leader of the

petition drive. "All that money leaves the state and doesn't come back."

Young is a member of HELP - Help Education Through Lottery Proceeds -

which filed paperwork with the secretary of state's office to allow casino-type

gambling in Nebraska.

The proposed constitutional amendment would allow video slot machines -

like those found in Iowa casinos - in Nebraska bars and restaurants that serve

alcohol. Organizers say part of the profits would be earmarked for teacher

pay and property tax relief.

"It makes sense," Young said. "If the bars go out of business, there are jobs

gone and revenue gone. If we can't pay the teachers, we lose them."

The state would keep 45 percent of the profits from the machines, splitting an

estimated $60 million to $70 million per year evenly between teacher pay

enhancements and property tax relief, Young said.


I've heard of some states where bar owners are lobbying for video poker, but this says video slots. Any more information? I'm also wondering if these will all be quarter machines (any past experience) or will there be dollar tokens if one of these states pass the legislation for taverns to have slot machines?

Copyright 2022 David Spragg