I have purchased a few of them but didn't pay a lot for most of what I bought. I think about 4 - 7 bucks a piece, including shipping. There are some that I think are better than others. I bought mine for their novelty, humor and as conversation pieces. Some of them are kind of funny. I would agree though that they do not rise to the level of a serious collectable item. It is, as you and Don say, obvious that they are pretty cheaply made by hand by the same individual for no reason than to sell on eBay etc. As for the reason that some sell for so much I would say 2 things. One is Sexual Hysteria. Some people fight over them because of their sexual content. I notice that chips of any sexy content gets a little more on eBay when they are pushed with a sexual emphasis on their design etc. I point out the 4Q Halloween 2000(?) chip, Playboy Bunny Money, Tropicana Hawaiian Tropics or Crazy Girls etc. The other point that I think is a factor is that some of these chips have a pretty explicit message or design on them. Those go for a lot more than some of the others that only mention the name of a Brothel. I personally do not have any interest in the simple ones.
Lastly, I have a small collection of some of these types of chips. Hawaiian Tropics Set, 4Q Halloween, Paulson Topless, PB Bunny Money and a few of the funnier brothel chips. I think some of them are amusing. The others I could care less about. I might be sick but I am not that sick that I need them all.