You can be sure that if a chip is put on your list here on The Chip Board, it WON'T be worth $100 in 10 Years, Robert [g].
Things that appreciate 2000% are those nobody thinks to save at the time. Todays junk that becomes gold in the future will probably be something other than casino table chips. Maybe slot cards or room keys (which start out at zero value, so it's hard to do a percentage on appreciation). Maybe rack brochures? Maybe airline ticket stubs for travel to Las Vegas? Frequent flyer member cards? NCV chips have a chance at it, but again, they are usually free to start with.
My vote for the common casino item to have a big price appreciation in the next 5-10 years, though, is gaming tokens. Today few love them, or even know they exist. Coinless-slots will eliminate the need for them in 3-4 years. As I mentioned in a post a few days ago, watch the $5 and up tokens. They are in very few collections today.