I probably get nothing like the amount of email that some of the others here get but I think it is interesting that I have 3 screen names and email addresses here on AOL that I use to some extent. I use this one for 99% of all my activity. 100% of what I do on newsgroups or here on the ChipBoard. There is one that I use for Alumni oriented work for my HS graduating class, some email and classmates.com and generally keeping in touch with classmates. It is an email address that is very easilly identifiable and rememberable for those people. The third one I do not even have an AOL profile for. Thtat screen name is one that I don't tell anyone about so that I can go there and do work and no one will know I am online. Sounds a little creepy, I know, but I have it because otherwise if people know I am on line I get a lot of IM's(Instant Messages) Sometimes if I am in the middle of something I don't want the interruptions. The funny thing is that on this screen name I get about 5 spams a day. Not bad, I think. On the alumni one I get about 15 spams a day and virtually nothing else. The one that I don't have a profile for, and that I don't tell anyone about, I get about 10 spams a day. ????? I do have a 4th name that I use only to store webpage files. Sort of a library of 2meg of storage. I do not really use it for anything. I get no email on it. I manage a 5th screen name for my dad. He never uses it 80 yrs old and terrified of the technology . He gets 1 email a week from Business Week.
I have rambled a bit but I think it is interesting that with the exception of the email addresses that are not used, I get the least amount of spam from the one that I use All The Time and the most from one that I use very little and have never used on a BB NG or TCB. Go Figure! Personally, I suspect that it is Classmates.com . Either that or since that email address is published in an alumni directory, someone, maybe the publisher of the directory, may have taken the address and sold it to other marketers.