I am not in agreement on this issue. I think the government has to help the airlines. Our airlines are a critical part of our economy, our defense and the flow of information. As airlines cut back on flights by as much as 20% and other airlines enter bankruptcy and close down people are going to then know what I am refering to. For example I bought a chip on eBay a couple of weeks ago. The seller put positive feed back on my acct. last Wednesday. I assume he sent the chip then or very closely after that. It has now been a week and a half and I have not received the chip from LA. I live in Chicago. I am not too concerned as I know that the airlines were not flying till about Saturday and even then there was so much backed up that it will take weeks to catch up. Most mail was sent on trucks and trains since planes were not flying. This is just the begining of what we will see happen if our airlines are allowed to faulter. Add to this the cost of certain items in your grocery store that will have to travel by train or truck or ship. A couple of examples are Pinapples and Macadamia nuts. Like they aren't expensive enough can you imagine how much they will cost if they have to be shipped from Hawaii on a nice slow ship. Here in Chicago we get a lot of our fish from the West Coast or FLA. That $14/pd piece of FLA Grouper will probably cost about $20 and will be rotten by the time it gets to us if it has to be sent via truck. Our military forces and some of their equipment are sometimes transported via commercial airlines. Add in the tons of cargo that come from Europe or Asia that will now have to be sent by ship. There is a lot more to it than just subsidising the sale of tickets. Besides, the ticket problem is not so much due to costs and a need for govt. asst. it is because many are afraid to fly now. I will admit that I love going to LV. With National offering $1 fares on Tuesday Departures with discounted return fares I would be out of here on Tuesday if it weren't for one thing. My aprehension to get on a plane right now. I know it probably sounds silly but that is where the problem lies. If the airlines continue to loose to the tune of $360 MILLION dollars a day on leases on their idle planes. It will not be long before American and United are in BR court.