My auctions appear to have been a rousing success. Although I haven't received all funds yet, here is a breakdown:
- Mike Quinlivan $505 (Mike threw in an extra $5 for postage)
- Travis H.D.L.Q.Z. Lewin $500
- Charlie Kaplan $350
- Kent Hedberg $700 (Kent's bad at math. He only owed $650)
- Ralph Strandwold $20 (Ralph had nothing better to do with $20)
- Paul Liscio $25 (I think Paul's just sucking up to me for our next deal
- Me $50 (money I owed Pete "Mr. Bipolar" Rizzo)
Lastly, I'd like to thank both John Benedict for donating the $5 Club Royale and $1 Cal-Neva and Andy Hughes for donating the $100 Castaways.
I hope there is never the need to this again.