I think it is disgraceful that your "Chip Program" at the Palms is going on an all out rape of the chip collector's wallet.
Just like the Fiesta, pump out garbage, and sit back and watch the casino cash in.
I feel sorry for all the suckers who wanted and collect that crap.
You are like this chip release monster who will release a chip for any meaningless event.
Give us collectors a break - and our wallets!
First answer this - of all the chips you have released - were there any that were not garbage?
Unknown and washed up sports figures on chips are crap Gene - you know it, I know it, the world knows it.
I see why people are getting turned off by LE Chips.
One day Gene Trimble may be known for the worst chip programs (well- that may be true today), and turning hundreds off collecting LE Chips.
Please Stop Making a Mockery of Limited Editions - while people still like and collect LE's.
Pete Rizzo