What ever happened to the days when Casinos helped to subsidize he airlines serving LV. Does that exist anymore? I notice that Harrahs/Rio has been trying for months now to cut off National. National though is one of the airlines on the forefront of, desparately, trying to keep the country flying. I got the email offer night before last where I would be able to fly from ORD to LAS for about 120 Round trip with all taxes included. $1 for outbound on a Tuesday and $99(?) return if I stay over one night(?). Add in about $20 worth of various taxes. They are going to be hurting badly even if they can keep their planes full. I do know they will make up on some of that with mail and cargo that I know they fly. My flight last June, on National, was loading enormous amounts of mail and courier cargo. The casinos who are obviously hurting to fill rooms are going to benefit from this if it is successful. If National can continue to deliver guests to LV while other airlines cut back on flights I hope someone will step up and help them out. It would be a shame if they fell deeper in trouble dispite their efforts to keep LV travel going.
Just a few thoughts.