I tend to regard ANY e-mail that is mass forwarded - whether it has suggestions, plans, is in support of/ in conflict with, contains a recipe, "free" anything - as a hoax or an attempt to generate internet traffic for some personal motive beyond the message that is being delivered in the e-mail.
For the record...
I have already seen the Neiman Marcus (sp? we don't have them here) cookie recipe (holidays are coming... that one should start circulating soon
I have never won a trip to Disneyland
I am still waiting for my FREE Gap merchandise (and for the same from Yahoo and the Navy Store
AND most disappointing
, I am STILL waiting to see the 10 naked Indians run across my screen because it is supposed to be hilarious.
Bottom line for me is: unless it is a personally generated e-mail from someone I know (PERSONAL being the key word... as in "Hey Jill... I'll be in town next week" or unless I see it on the news or in an official capacity, I don't buy it ~ nor will I "DO" it/ I do not believe it / act on it/ forward it and admittedly ~ I rarely bother even reading it.