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The Chip Board Archive 05

Re: Roulette strategy...
In Response To: Re: Roulette strategy... ()

"I don't think I'm up to the title of harvestor because the at the most I take three chips. One for me two to trade, and even at that I still have just about every, eatra to trade, still sitting in the box."

Hey Pete; There is NO minimum on the number of roulette chips that happen to "walk" from a table in order to qualify as a "harvester". Build just ONE bridge ... you are now a "bridge builder".

Messages In This Thread

Hey roulette harvesters, know what time it is?
Re: Hey roulette harvesters, know what time it is?
Store is still there. After four years, are you..
Nice chip Jim vbg
Re: Store is still there. After four years, are yo
Re: Roulette strategy...
Re: Roulette strategy...
Re: Roulette strategy...

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