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The Chip Board Archive 05

Re: Reno air races scrubbed...THAT'S TERRIBLE BUT
In Response To: Reno air races scrubbed ()

only what is probably the tip of the iceberg. Wiping out this insidious enemy will not be an easy task and will cost us all in freedom, the loss of loved ones, and more terror across our nation. It has gone way beyond the point of negotiations. All of us must become the eyes and ears against these subhumans who would like to see us wiped off the face of the earth. Hopefully, we have the resolve to bond together for the long haul. I truly believe this will get much uglier before we see it to the end. God Bless America, stand proud, stand strong!

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Reno air races scrubbed
Sorry to hear that, Larry! sad
Re: Reno air races scrubbed
Here is the link to the article in........
Re: Reno air races scrubbed...THAT'S TERRIBLE BUT

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