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The Chip Board Archive 05

Message From A Friend


As a pediatric nurse for 21 years, I can only imagine that the feeling of our nation somewhat parallels that which parents must feel when their child is catastrophically injured or diagnosed with a potentially fatal illness.

September 11, 2001 changed us forever. Life in this country will never be the same. We will recover and go on, now acutely aware of our vulnerability and fragility, as a nation and as individuals. The pain is no longer that of those in foreign nations that we read about in the newspapers. The pain is here, blanketing this country in the haze of a dangerous reality.

While we are determined, as a free nation, to punish those responsible for our terror, let us also strive to heal the terror caused within our nation by one another. Daily, we lose countless lives through violence that we as Americans cause among ourselves; violence that causes our own version of fear on the streets. While we say we believe in God, we kill each other over drugs, money, the color of our skin or religious differences. These are acts that no God would condone.

Each and every one of us is responsible for making this earth a more peaceful place to live. There will always be those with whom we disagree. The quality of our interactions with them does make a difference. The rage we have in this society affects all of us. It destroys us, and those we love. It destroys our respect for one another. If anything comes in the face of this devastation, let it be that this new era in history, bring with it a renewed respect for our fellow human beings. Blood is the same color in all countries. I think we've seen enough of it to finally understand. May peace be with you.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg