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The Chip Board Archive 05

Canadians care to ...

Today I am feeling emotions that I have never felt and I am grateful that my family is alive healthy and safe. Yesterday I came home from work to images of terror that only Hollywood could dream up I sat with my wife and tried to digest all that has happened. We watched all the news reports and the horrific images and wondered how anyone could inflict all this pain to another human being. My wife had visited New York and the WTC this past spring and she had a better visual to the magnitude of this tragedy.
In the days to come emotions will run an unsettling course, we will be sad for victims and we will rejoice with the survivors. We will have rage with those responsible and we will see in the end that justice will be done.
I feel like there is nothing I can do, yet I have realized that the one thing we can do together is pray. Pray to whatever, whoever, or however you feel appropriate, but do it. Pray that this kind of thing will never happen again and pray to keep our friends and family south of the border and here in Canada safe and secure. That by some miracle their family, friends and relatives have somehow survived. If not that they are able to continue on and remember and honour those lost.
We love you all.

Scott, Tracy and Tatiana...

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Canadians care to ...
Re: Canadians care to ...
Not just Americans were killed...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg