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The Chip Board Archive 05

The Good Neighbor

As you know, our country suffered a horrible and horrendous attack. We all are still shocked and angered by what has happened, and feel nearly helpless at this point.

However, our nation still stands strong and there is indeed much we can do at this very moment.

I ask that we all fly our American flag, from our homes, from our businesses, from our cars, from our mailboxes. If you don't have one, go get one.

Let the pictures the world sees of our country over the next few days be not that of a whimpering, wounded nation licking its wounds, but that of a strong, and powerful nation of people who stand shoulder to shoulder with a
single message...

That I AM AN AMERICAN..............and we will not be defeated by these actions........that we will recover and recover quickly because we are a
nation of strong people, standing ready in defense of our country.

Let the press photos over the next few days and weeks show how the American people respond to these tragic events, not as fearful and horrified, but as the strong backbone of our nation.............Let a sea of American flags
speak what our hearts now feel.

May God be with our nation and her people during this time.

Elaine (Weston, Fl)

Messages In This Thread

The Good Neighbor
I've always flown my flag.
Re: The Good Neighbor
Flying the Flag
Re: Flying the Flag
Flying the Flag
Wal-Mart sold 116,000 flags on Tuesday!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg