My neighbor, Jerry, the fireman, is still at the site of the devastation. He has been on duty now for three days straight. They tell him to go home and get some sleep. He cannot. He cannot leave his friends that are still in there. Every so often they take him to a nearby firehouse to shower and eat. And then he goes back. He cannot leave his friends. There are over 200 fireman still missing. 6 firemen were found alive today, along with 3 policemen. Every life is so precious that they cannot go home until all that can be done has been done.
Everyone of us needs to take this as personnal. We all need to help. If you haven't already and are able to, then give blood. Give money to the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund. Say another prayer for America and for each life that has been touched. It will make you feel better. And it will help.