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The Chip Board Archive 05

A sad day but chipping goes on....

A truly sad experience for all of America. But I personally can not do much to help from here and life must continue on. That said we will still be going to the opening of Harrahs in Metropolis tomorrow. Those of you who e-mailed me about getting chips will be notified when I return on Sunday as to what was available. If you have not put in an order yet let me know ASAP.

Messages In This Thread

A sad day but chipping goes on....
Re: A sad day but chipping goes on....
Re: A sad day but chipping goes on....
Come on, Jill!!!!!! mad
Don't EVEN bring up "room keys" sad
NO Room KEYS!!!! mad
Re: NO Room KEYS!!!! mad
In THAT case, Jill! vbg
Re: A sad day but chipping goes on....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg