Glad you made it!
This is so unbelievable words don't describe it. I am happy to see no friends in the chip community are harmed as of yet. I pray all are well. Glad to know Archie's son is safe & Jill's friend & others in the area. I know of some other collectors that work nearby I hope we hear from them.
The 911 is ironic as are the airlines picked for this United & American. Think of the names. This was the most well planned attack. I am sure the Pittsburgh plane was heading for our White House. They chose large planes with huge fuel capacities as they were to travel cross country. I believe up to 50,000 gallons! The Trade Center looked like when I was watching the Dunes come down. Lots of smoke. This was planned & safe. This horrendous act was terroism hitting us hard where they know it will hurt us emotionally, financially & change many lives forever. Boulder Dam out of Vegas supplies power to LA. This area is closed too. We should all count our blessings today. I am sure many are. This is a wakeup call. A nightmare!
I pray for everyone today.