Still no email address .... like everyone else provides on this bb, eh, "Mr. Reed"?
You know, if you were writing a Letter To The Editor of a newspaper, you would not only have to include your real name.... but a real address and maybe even a telephone number as well so that they could check to see if you are who you claim to be before your letter would be published.
Anybody can post anything they want on this bb and be annonymous if they prefer. It's just that I tend to be more than a little suspicious when folks hide behind a mask. It's like those folks who like to hide behind the sunglasses when they change their identity on ebay. Oh, there's nothing wrong with that... (before somebody wants to differ) it's all permitted within Ebay's guidelines ... but it sure does make ME wary and puts me on the defensive.
So enjoy your hobby.... collect whatever you want to collect.... call yourself whatever makes you happy. I don't even care what your real name is at this point. I find it very co-incidental that "Mr. Hunt", who would not divulge his email address either, has the identical ISP address that "Mr. Reed" has ... and Mr. Reed does not wish to publish his email address either? I think it's more than coincidental... but then that's only my opinon ... which I have the freedom to post.... just like you.