"One of the things that bugs me the most about some of the posters on this board is their arrogant idea that any consensus on this board represents the opinion of the majority of our members."
Just curious Jim. Why would you think that the people who participate in this forum don't accurately represent a cross section of the members of the club in general? What reasons would there be for a noticeably different opinion of the majority? I could see the possibility of a level of apathy from members who don't make a point of (or don't have the time for) using the internet for keeping on top of issues. Other than that, I think this forum is representative enough in the opinions expressed to believe that they do indeed reasonably represent the general membership.
When you see a nation-wide poll on political issues, the polling pool is usually around 1000 people. That's a very tiny cross section of the citizens of the country, yet much weight is placed on the results of those polls.
Please don't consider this post to be a slam against you. I just want to know why you feel the way you do, and how you've come to your conclusions.