Folks, when are we going to learn? The following post was made on the club's message board, but the same message applies here.
You may not work for a slabbing company, but I would be willing to bet that you have posted under the name of "Mr. Hunt" (with no accompanying email address) as well as "H. Victor Reed" (with no accompanying email address) expressing your outrage regarding your right to free speech. Those who enter this bb under their cloak of anonymity under false names inside of trojan horses don't deserve the right to free speech.
Folks, it's about time we unmasked those who ride in on this bb in Trojan horses. If anyone doubts what I have posted, simply do a search under "Reed" and another search under "Hunt" and you will find the exact same ISP addresses.
"Mr. Hunt" ....or "Mr. Reed" ... whichevery you prefer.... you've been undressed. Now please leave our hobby. We don't need anymore fakes than what we already have.