Dunes $1000 Chip N4569 ICG AU58
Very inexpensive high denomination chip.
We're quoting Mark here.
And quoting him again....
What slabbing is not for:
It is not for the collector of newly issued chips that come directly from the Casino. Nor is it for low to medium value chips........
His slabbing practice doesn't exactly follow his statements regarding what slabbing is NOT FOR.
Now any chip worth over $50 is fair game to be slabbed by his business. Now lets see I wonder how many chips released in the last year fall into this category.
1st ones that come to mind are the low mintage $100 chips... Face value alone their worth $100 (until the casino discontinues them).
Mahoney's Silver Nugget $100 Mike Tyson maybe
How about he low mintage $25 chips.
Hard Rock $25 BUNNY MONEY chip comes to mind.
Need I mention the NCV CC>CC Hard Rock Chip?
I wonder what value ($) crieteria Mark uses as his own guideline for what...
low to medium value chips
The problem as I see it is the thinking of people who buy into slabbed items is that, "if it's slabbed it's worth more". This may hold true for the coin industry, but I do believe that they are in for a GREAT disappointment if they buy into that same scenario regarding casino collectibles.