The MS60-70 is designated for Chips WITHout wear and UNcirculated. I dictated this to an employee but was lost in the translation to e-mail.
And I am happy to know that there are bonafide mind readers who belong to this organization. They seem to know the exact reason why I joined this club. For those of you with the ability to reason the following is the reasons I joined the club.
#1 Several members had asked me why I had not joined over the years as my inventory of chips was so large.
#2 To find out more about this hobby that I enjoy which happens to spill over into my Business's.
#3 To act in spite of those who feel they can dictate how I lead my life.
for those of you who do not like "slabbed Chips" all of our certified chips come with a free breakout kit just for the asking. It is a shame that if a "slabber" has a chip that you would like to own, you cannot do business with this person in any form or fashion. We currently have in stock 31 unknown chips. I am sure that some of you would like to add these to your collection. (none of which have been Slabbed by the way) But all of my employees keep a list of the membership roster from the slabfree chapter and will not even sell members supplies. If we know them by sight we will not even buzz them in our stores. (for the simple reason that they have stated that they will do no business of any type with us so why waste thier time or ours by letting them in the stores? I wish that this was not the case, But since they have taken such a strong stand we have no choice. Of course our business has not fallen off due to the lack of this group of customer, and actually our chip business has increased in both unslabbed and slabbed chips. I wonder how many WWII vets or thier family members drive Japanese cars or listen to japanese radios or watch japanese tv?
And one last thought: If a chip is found in the woods by a slabfree member that was once in a slab,but has been removed, will anyone hear him/her scream?
If anyone would like to speak about any of this my e-mail is as i very seldom get a chance to read the posts on this site.
Mark Scott