On the other hand if I bid $55 at the last second, and you wanted to go to $59
If I wanted to go to $59 I would have put that in to begin with.
As to why play games?
I assume you are asking why wait to the last second. The answer is that many many bidders on Ebay do not truly understand the proxy system, as such sniping helps keep the price down, but only because bidders are failing to use the proxy system by entering their highest bid. For that reason and that reason alone I snipe.
As to not allowing them to enter additional bids, hey why stop them, If they don't want to take advantage of the proxy bidding system it is their loss.
>I understand the proxy system fine thank you very much.
I'm sorry if you felt offended, its just that since you compared bidding your maximum with paying retail it appeared that you did not understand the system.