Until Steve or Don chimes in to fill in the gaps, I'll name off a few. One of my many social failings is the inablity to remember names so here goes! On the left is Dave Wendleton and I have no name for the gent in the green shirt next to him. Don Lueders in the beige shirt and Steve Goodrich, "mrpnw" in the maroon shirt standing next to him. I'm in the front and Ernie ?, seated at the table in the rear. The fellow on the right is our host, Chet Pasternak whose wife took the picture. One or two souls were standing off to the right... apparently "deselected" by Steve's software.

Rupert Kettle (merthway - eBay ID)was there for a while also. The Pasternaks were gracious hosts and we had a good time talking chips and the hobby and passing chips back and forth. Nice thing about WA. is that a new joint opens every week it seems and there are always new chips to gather on the way up the road.