Peppermill Reno instituted a multi-level player club program this month. The entry level is the one I posted a couple of months ago that I was told would be an interim card. It wasn't, except that it didnot have the level printed on it as current cards do.
The pic below shows the five levels: purple, bronze, gold, platinum, and diamond.
Shown below the family of cards is a rare slot card error... purple card, but printed as a bronze. I'll be offering it on eBay shortly with a $300 starting bid [g].
Have a few of each of the four lower levels to trade for cards I need, preferably non-Nevada. Also have the Peppermill room key to trade for slot cards. This is the one with color pics of various parts of the hotel on it.
Also have a few of the Siena grand opening slot cards to trade. Not blank this time, as they would not give them out.