At the convention, Scott and I had breakfast. (don't worry Tracy - we had a chaperone )
We discussed everything from Unions, earthquakes to health insurance.
Canada DOES take care of it's people in the area of medical help.
About 10 years ago - I went back to school (didn't know what I wanted to be when I grew up) - was working two jobs (construction assistant 16 hours a week @ $8.00/hr. and I bartended 4 nights a week which is what paid the bills... barely) AND maintained a full time curriculum. (with a 4.0 GPA to boot .) I tried to get insurance - NOT FOR ME but for my two kids. Single mom - NO HELP from the ex - and I discovered exceeded income of $6000 a YEAR - the maximum allowed for a family of 3 - to qualify to a state provided insurance program. So we went without. PERIOD.
I love living in the United States and I understand compared to many countries WE ARE DAMN LUCKY to be here. But heck - I LIKE the idea of a country helping the people who WORK and are TRYING - instead of rewarding those who can "get more" by doing less.