The screen sleeps after no activity. The harddrive spins down after no activity. I only shut it down when I leave town.
Living in Tucson (lightening capital of the world) I still leave it on during storms. However!!!!! I have it connected to a surge suppressor and maintain ZIP disk back-ups.
And because its a MAC, I haven't had everyone's virus problems, and using USB technology it basically eliminates hardware conflicts.
In all seriousness, a PC is designed for daily on/off cycling. They are also designed for low power consumption. It really does not matter what you do. It then becomes a question of convenience. When you turn it on are you sitting there tapping your fingers waiting? What about shutting down? Do you hate waiting for the OK to power off the computer screen?
Unless you have a 486, or a high heat monitor, I would just leave it on 24/7 (unless you are out of town). Be sure to use a screen saver, or better yet, a sleep mode for the monitor!
Jim Follis