Rene, You are so interested in"setting the record straight". Here is a few thungs for YOU to get straight.
This is the second time you have shot your mouth off about me being on the registration table at Bill's show. At NO TIME during that show was I ever "selling tickets" or at that table for any reason. The two people there were Mr. AND MRS. Bruce Karli. I spent the entire show behind registration at the Casino Chip Gallery booth where I was being paid to work.
I also wish you would get off this "everyone hates me" thing. I don't hate you personally and never have. BUT I do thouroughly dislike your buisness practices and would not buy anything from you if you were the last dealer on earth.
Later in your same post addressed to BILL Karli you again yap about people "hating your guts" for doing a show. Shows have NOTHING to do with this and you know it. As you have said often enough, "it's a free country". Do as many shows as you like, just quit bad mouthing everyone else all the time.
It seems to burn you up because several of us are close friends. Why is that, maybe because you don't have any?
If you don't want negativity in your life quit coming on this board attacking everyone in sight and telling one lie right after another.
Enough is enough, Janice O'Neal