My idea of collecting is a lot different than most. To me it's the hunt and kill that gives me the rush. I see no sport in walking into a zoo and shooting a tiger, but drop me in the middle of the jungle and I'll gladly extract the tiger's tooth. (Yeah. Right, Benedict )
It's always been a thrill for me to add on to the collections of those living in France, Germany, Belgium, Portugal and the UK. Being able to locate treasure from my home base (yes, I do have pickers) by playing a hunch has always told me I'm doing my job right.
While on the subject of International collectors: earlier this month I met with four German Nationals who are very active chip collectors. Two were on their way to Cuba, and the other two were returning to Orlando via Ft. Lauderdale (we met at Lucaya for lunch). Being able to bring along some gaming pieces as gifts; pieces they never knew existed, again... was a thrill beyond explanation.
BTW, I think there are more casino chip collectors in Germany than in any other European country. France leads in token collectors.