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The Chip Board Archive 05

Well... Ralph Here is your Answer

In a recent post Ralph Myers asked:
> Are these plates being made by the state of Nevada? If so, you'll find that the word chipster will
> be in red.

Yup that is correct they are being made by the State of Nevada and if you look at my original post you'll see that I specifically put the words CHIPSTR in RED and not in Blue because I know that is how they are made so they won't get confused with the real ones and if someone does use a fake license plate on their vehicle in place of their real ones the local or state police will most likely nab them.

Ralph further asked:
> What happened to the "chipper" plate?

Well I got a few e-mails asking if the plate could be CHIPSTR instead but if there is enough interest I can order both.

Ralph futher nagged:
> Are they using the new Sunrise blank, or the old Big horn sheep blank?

It is the the new Sunrise blank, I received an e-mail on Friday from the Nevada DMV giving me a URL address to an example of the plate (See Below).

Messages In This Thread

Chipster Souvenir License Plates
Re: Chipster Souvenir License Plates
Re: Chipster Souvenir License Plates
Re: Chipster Souvenir License Plates
Re: Chipster Souvenir License Plates
Re: Chipster Souvenir License Plates
Well... Ralph Here is your Answer
Re: Well... Ralph Here is your Answer
Your Not Nagging Ralph :o)
"Chipper" sounds 100% better! grin
I'll order CHIPPER plates then but....
I'll order a Chipper plate! grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg