Seems as if we have enough people interested in participating in the lottery (rules listed a below posting,) therefore we are going forward with it.
Remember, non-residents only.
Please send the $20.00 a.s.a.p. to:
Paul A. Sax
8105 Mesa Oak Way
Citrus Heights, Ca 95610-0607
I perfer cash , however, if you are unconfortable with this, then a check will do. Everyone will be kept advised when payment is received.
I will add the names on the board as well, so everyone knows who your partners are.
So far we have 11 names:
Paul Sax
Ralph Myers
Andy Hughes
Dale Horyna
Greg Susong
Bruce Karli
Bob Hermans
Michael Richter
Bob Gabel
Peter Sanders
Scott Blackburn
The first drawing will be Saturday, September 1st. This should give most people a chance to remit your "donation." I think closing this window of opportunity should cease by Monday midnight as anyone going to join us will probably have made up their mind by then.
Please remember, I am open to any suggestion/comments as this should be a fun thing.