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The Chip Board Archive 05

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In Response To: Re: Slabbing, WELL......... ()

Archie...I also think that your comments about the list and its' effects on the officers and the poor turnout in voting is well founded and perhaps by actively supporting this non-slabbing list we can generate more activity from all members in all chapters. You are, of course, a profound spokesperson for our hobbies and your participation is a good example for all of us. I would add that for all of those who have signed the "List" to make it a priority to get one more member to sign, and have them get one more member and so forth. This is what networking is all about and grass roots cover plenty of ground.

Messages In This Thread

Slabbing, Tokens, Silver Strikes and P.C.
Re: Slabbing, Tokens, Silver Strikes and P.C.
Re: Slabbing, Tokens, Silver Strikes and P.C.
Re: Slabbing, Tokens, Silver Strikes and P.C.
Great post Archie !!!!!!!
Re: Great post Archie !!!!!!!
Re: Slabbing, Tokens, Silver Strikes and P.C.
Re: Slabbing, Tokens, Silver Strikes and P.C.
Re: Slabbing, Tokens, Silver Strikes and P.C.
Re: Slabbing, Tokens, Silver Strikes and P.C.
Re: Slabbing, Tokens, Silver Strikes and P.C.
Re: $2,475 for a No. Carolina quarter???
Re: Slabbing, Tokens, Silver Strikes and P.C.
Re: Slabbing, WELL.........
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