Marv Weaver has brought to my attention that when talking about slabbing I refer to Chips and almost uniformly ignore casino tokens and silver strikes.
This is both a fair and unfair criticism. It is fair because it is true. I do not collect Tokens or Silver Strikes and therefore tend to think in terms of Chips.
This is also unfair because I tend to speak in the generic. I say his, he, man, in instances where the gender of a person is not known, this doesn't mean the person can't be a woman, just that I use the male form as the generic form. Most women I work with are horrified when they see my letters addressed "Gentlemen:" I refuse to to write to "Dear Sir or Madam:".
That being said when I write of slabbing casino chips I also am speaking in the generic most of the time and my words can be applied to tokens and silver strikes.
In the future I will try to make appropriate references to tokens and silver strikes, but when I forget to do so,please keep in mind that I meant to.