Rene, I do not know you or Bill Akeman(?). Therefore I can not judge either of you as individuals. However, the tensions between the two of you make me feel as though, if I were to be in Las Vegas during your shows, I wouldn't go to either. It seems as though the cr*p that is going on is very childish. I do not know the other side of this but I do know that you went to the Gaming Times show with a chip on your shoulder and trying to prove a point. I cite your post as follows.
Don't feel Bad Steve :)
Posted By: Rene Nezhoda (
HI steve!
I am sorry to hear about your expierence.
Rich Burgel of Nevadamint just called me on the phone. Him and Lou Lucci paid for their tickets at the show. Walked in and Bill Akeman said you guys are not comming in. And kicked em out.
I am gonna go there later today. Think I will make it in???????
Date: 8/17/01 2:35 p.m.
Must be feel really bad to be treated like S%^$ and be escorted out. But apparently you are not the only one.
Rich didn't buy a table at bills shows. So Akeman told him today to go get a table at Rene's Show.
I have been reading other posts from others all day and frankly for the last couple of months that would indicate that maybe there is some logic to him not wanting certain people there. Further, you also mention that Steve was escorted out of the casino. I would like a clarification here. It is obvious that this chip show was not being held in THE CASINO it was being held in a convention hall or room? The question is was Steve escorted out of the hall? or the Casino? If he was escorted completely out of the casino than that might be a serious problem If he was escorted out of the hall than, while very unfortunate, that would, I think, be Bill's perogotive. It is a private show and I would think he could exclude anyone he wants. I agree it is not good business and since I have done business with Steve Zacchi myself and have been very pleased, I am very dissappointed about that act. So much so that I would not be quick to do business with Gaming Times or Bill Akeman if the opportunity presented itself. However, I do not know Bill's side of the story. I would reserve more specific comment till I hear the other side. As I said before, I know from you posts today that you were going with an idea in your mind that you were going to prove a point. I question that you may have had your responses all planned in your head based on your expected result. Self fulfilling prophacy? Probably.
You and your allies have been going against Bill and his allies since he announced his Superbowl show months ago. These two factions have been going at eachother for months. As someone who is caught in the middle, in a sense, I am not impressed by either side. Frankly, I have no intention to be in Vegas for either show so My opinions probably are not typical of the prospective participants for these shows. However I just hope that both of you realize how this looks to the outside. You have made efforts to brush it off and say, so it goes. However, you then go and make these antagonistic posts in a PUBLIC FORUM. Try to deal with your differences directly with Bill and try not to libel or slander him in the process. If you do have a legitimate dispute or case than go ahead and get a lawyer and settle it that way. I just think that you are compounding your problems by dealing with them in the ways you have here.