To reiteratite something that was said earlier in this thread. You do not need to keep the information in your Address Book. As Mark and Andy have described, you can keep your mailing list in another program. Mark mentions Works but you could also use Word, WordPerfect, Excel, Filemaker etc. Word Processing or database softwares are good places and Database like Filemaker could even add efficiency in that you could attribute other information to addresses and you could search out certain specific addresses and make new distribution lists without having to retype all the addresses into a new list. Also if you have something that is not Microsoft that may even be better. Andy mentions how you can take that email list and cut and paste it into your email. The reason for this is that Viruses, not just SirCam, often attack MS Software. They attack the MS Address Books to propogate themselves. Knowing that MS is so common in the world of computing and almost everyone uses the Address Books that come with Windows the writers of these viruses have learned to use this wealth of information to resend the virus to mass numbers. Like that old commercial, It tells two friends and they tell two friends and so on and so on. Except in many cases you aren't talking just two friends, you might be talking 10 friends or 200 subscribers to a newsletter. A lot of these viruses get their biggest advances when they get into a company or Corporate computer system and invade the address books of all the employees. That is how they propogate themselves so rapidly.
The point is that it might be smart to put your Address files in programs that the Viruses don't look for. Also, it might be a good idea not to use common names for your address files. Ie. names like Address etc. A virus could be designed to scan your computer for common programs and named files that could house an address file. Ie. scanning .doc or .xls files for something named address*.doc or *address.doc and so on. Use your creativity.