I am not familiar with cleaning a system of the virus but I would second Archie in his comments about backing up. DO NOT REFORMAT unless it is an ABSOLUTE LAST RESORT.
Since you are still posting I would assume your computer is still operational. As I understand SirCam it will start to fill empty spaces on your hard drive with .txt files and will use up all your storage space. There is some mention that in October, if your computer uses a certain date code format the virus will hit you harder. Therefore, you might have some time. First, Check out Norton's AVcenter. They have a page on SirCam. If you haven't already seen it read it. I will post the link at the bottom of this message. It will tell you what may be happening, how to identify it, what to look for and will have a link to a Tool that you can use to clean it. It appears though that you may have already tried the tool. There is also a section that tells you what to look for and how to manually remove it. I personally would not feel competent and comfortable doing it myself but you may have more computer aptitude than I do. Next I would, if you have CD R or CD RW or Zip disk go through your computer and go file by file through the directories and back up everything that is important. Word Files, Exel Files, Checkbook Files Family or Chip Pictures.... Anything that you find that you do not want to loose, Back up. Then I would, personaly, eat the cost, (Sigh, Yuck...) and take my computer to a technician and have it professionally cleaned. An expert may be able to clean the computer without having to reformat or delete all your valuable programs.
I have had to re install all my software before and it took weeks to get everything back to normal. That was back when hard drives were a few hundred meg. Now with gigibyte hard drives I cringe at the thought of how long it will take to restore everything if I had to resort to that. If a technician can possibly save most of that then it pays for itself. If he can't save your software programs, by getting everything important on backup disks you will at least have saved that. I remember one time having to sit at my computer for days, inputing data from banker boxes, from bank statements, family history data, address books and mailing lists, (WordPerfect to print labels, not internet) and on and on... . You should have all your original software disks. If you don't you can probably get them from wherever you got them from before. It's your files that you have created yourself that you can't replace unless you backed them up. Good luck and God Bless.