I have sent the attached replies to two rejection letters that I have received from AOL. I sent the original letter, above to TOSGeneral and to TOSWeb. I have followed up by sending everything including this and the above letters to abuse@aol.com
Subj: Fwd: Harrassment on The ChipBoard by AOL Member
Date: 8/13/01 12:10:26 AM Central Daylight Time
From: WMAS 1960
To: Abuse@aol.com
The following is a message that I sent to the mentioned AOL TOS units in response to their letters rejecting my attempt to file the fwd'd complaint. Please assist us in getting this problem resolved. Your assistance is appreciated.
Subj: Re: Harassment on The ChipBoard by AOL Member
Date: 8/13/01 12:07:11 AM Central Daylight Time
From: WMAS 1960
To: TOSGeneral, TOSWeb
You are all misunderstanding this issue. We, on www.thechipboard.com have been getting automated replies from AOL for a week telling us to send our messages to one place or another and to put certain keywords in the headers so they get routed correctly. I received a message from TOSWeb that said they cannot do anything against the board because it is not an AOL board. You are telling me that I have to contact the AOL supervisor for the board. Please direct me to the correct person to address this complaint and I will inform my friends of the same. To make the complaint more clear,
We are not complaining about a bulletin board. The board in question is NOT an AOL Board. We are complaining about an AOL SUBSCRIBER who is HARASSING OTHERS, ASSUMING OTHER PEOPLES IDENTITIES, AND IS TAUNTING AND DELIBERATELY AGITATING PEOPLE TO INTERFERE WITH THE PROGRESSION OF TOPICS OF DEBATE. Please do not tell me that AOL TOS has no control over these subjects as I have cut and paste from YOUR TOS the following passage.
"However, as an AOL member you are required to follow our TOS no matter where you are on the Internet. If another ISP or Internet organization reports you to us, we will take appropriate action against your account the same as we would if you had committed a violation on the AOL service. " "Online conduct should be guided by common sense and basic etiquette. You will be considered in violation of the Terms of Service if you (or others using your account) do any of the following:
Please lets get some resolution to this problem.
Thank You,
William Schelhas,
cc: www.thechipboard.com
abuse@aol.com (with original email)