... I think I posted on this subject once before, but don't feel like checking all of the archives to find it.
In short, I started flipping cards in elementary school at Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Lindenhurst, NY. My favorite variation of the game was for one player to flip 100 cards. The other then had to match however many heads or tails had been flipped -- exactly. If he did, he won the other guy's 100 cards. If not, the other guy won his. So, if the first flipper had 95 heads and 5 tails, the second guy had to do exactly the same to win.
I liked to play this because I could almost always flip exactly what was needed and then when I had to go first, could almost always flip 100 the same (I usually flipped for tails because my guys liked to flip heads and 100 tails seemed to throw them off).
Years later, when I hadn't flipped cards in perhaps 15 years, I was telling my kids about this and they didn't believe me (just like kids, huh?). So, #1 son got some of his baseball cards out and after practicing for a few minutes, I flipped 1500+ heads in a row (I forget the exact number now).
BTW, modern cards are harder to flip this way, as they are lighter and do not flip as consistently as the old Topps cards. ----- jim o\-S