I can't really argue that point. That said, however, when something needs saying, I won't hesitate to say it. Provided, of course, that I can think of it first. Then again, sometimes I'll go right ahead and say it before I even think of it. Naturally, those are the times that I get into trouble. Nevertheless, there's always value in airing one's thoughts. Of course, there could be harm as well, depending on what one's thoughts are. Occasionally, one even has the same exact thoughts as another. This is sometimes known as being "in tune" or, better yet, "psychic". In either event it's an exciting, yet disturbing phenomenon, wherein, if the thought is a good one, the first one to speak up takes credit and the hesitator, as the expression goes, is lost. On the other hand, if the thought is a bad one, the hesitator can just sit back and continue eating his or her waffles while the one who spoke up in the first place takes the proverbial heat. There can be other reasons as well to speak up, aside from or in conjunction with speaking one's mind. Occasionally, one might say or write something merely to elicit a reaction of some kind. In this case, for example, had Sponge Bob, or whatever the heck his name is, been able to read and actually absorb the contents of, as the good Dr. Tan so aptly put it, my "profile" of him, he might opt to post a reply of some sort, which, in turn, would make the writer a very happy camper indeed. If he turns away from the ChipBoard in embarrassment and opts to find another outlet for his juvenile tirades, maybe taking up knitting or sniffing glue, I would not be totally disappointed either, because that was, indeed, the purpose of the post in the first place, not necessarily intended as a profile so much as a mechanism to evoke some sort of response from our friend. A larger accomplishment, in my mind, was, in a response to a response, to pick out no less than seven lengthy and misspelled words from the original response and form a sentence from them that comes startlingly close to making sense. My grandest triumph for today, however, has been to construct a single huge paragraph wherein I have rambled and intentionally made very little sense, but which actually sucked YOU in to read it to the bitter end. So, again, in reponse to your comment, yes, I do need to get a life. But, admit it...don't you???