Correct, but my question was that if Collectors Universe, for example, were to enter into a Contract with a casino for an exclusive right to buy a whole release there would have to be some consideration for the casino signing a contract granting exclusivity. Would that not constitute a sale for over face of the chips? Otherwise why would a casino jepordize their good will by just giving away that exclusive on the chips and potentially angering their customers? If as was mentioned a casino represented to the gaming commission that the chips were intended for gaming purposes would they not jepordize that classification by selling them, by contract, to a company to have them slabbed and sold as a collectable? It was mentioned that a casino might use some of the chips at the table or exchange to general public to justify that classification. Would the presence then of a contract cause a possible issue that could be presented to gaming as an indication that the exchange of chips to public and distribution to tables was just a ploy to circumvent the gaming laws?
I do not raise these questions to brush off peoples concerns about this potential that someone could end up slabbing a whole release. That does scare me too. I only ask these question to advance some possibilities that might be pursued in the event that it ever happens. I am also serious and sincere in that I wonder if these possibilities might be accurate. I respect Gene's point of view but I do believe that the answers to these questions might be important to consider. Also, I would like to know why it would be wrong that if the casino produced a series of chips for "Gaming Purposes" and entered into a contract to have them all slabbed, Why would they not have to honor them if presented at a table as a bet? It was the casino, not the buyer, that entered into the contract to slab the chip. I just think that could create sticky situations that a casino might not consider to be worth the loss of their license or the fine that gaming could impose on them. In relation to the post about Topps and Collectors Universe(PSA)and the possible application to this hobby I just think these questions deserve some reasonable discussion.