I would find it disgusting if a slabbing company and a casino got together to slab an issue of chips. However, as I recall Bee Estes' explanation about the chip approval process thru the Gaming Control Board, the casino must state the purpose of the chip. The usual answer is "for gaming purposes". And if the casino then turned over an entire issue to the slabbing company, then the casino would be falsifying a statement to GCB. Not something they would do if their liscense could be in jeopardy, IMO. I don't know how the approval process works in other states, but assume it is similar.
(It still wouldn't prevent an insider from buying most/all of an issue (such as FQ PaiGow?) or from an opportunistic grabber getting most of an issue of chips, but these possibilities exist today.)
I just don't see an explicit, above-board co-marketing agreement between a slab company and a liscensed casino, with the possible exception of an Indian casino.
However, I still would like to see the slab companies throw in the towel before it comes to that!