William; Obviously you (and others) have confused the Slab Free Chapter with 350+ club members who are on-line who are opposed to slabbing and who have signed on to "The List" which is published weekly on thechipboard.com and on the club's message board at ccgtcc.com. For the record, "The List" has nothing to do with the Slab Free Chapter.
When 350+ club members publicly signed "The List" opposing slabbing ... and refusing to deal with any dealer who is engaged in slabbing ... and a maximum of only 717 club member out of over 2600 members (on-line and non on-line) bothered to vote in the last election in which a ballot was sent to their home.... I think that 350 on-line members DOES reflect a strong opposition to slabbing that the Board should have taken into account in their deliberations. 50% of those club members who voted in the last election have publicly stated they are opposed to slabbing. I think that statistic is so mind-boggling, I fail to understand why the club officers did not give any weight to "The List". Would the club officers have paid more attention if "The List" was called a "petition"?
My quesion to you William is.... how come you have not joined the club? You seem like a very sincere, honest kind of person who would be a tremendous asset to our hobby organization. I do value your bb posts... as you have demonstrated much candor and civility in your posted contributions to the chipboard.com