There are many of us who are totally against slabbing and think that it is bad for our hobby.
At the same time, we do not like the idea of banning or censorship in our hobby. Any collector should have to right to collect as he wishes just as I have the right to try to convince him or her that slabbing is harmful. I believe that this is what the Board members had in mind when they voted the way that they did. Which of us is going to decide what the next thing that we want to ban or censor? Tokens? Silver Strikes? Roulettes? NCV's? As long as we make our wishes and desires known to the slabbers, they will realize that it will not be profitable for them to persue this endeavor. They will go away. Yes, I really believe this and I want Gene Trimble, Jim Kruse and Steve Soden to reconsider and return to the fold. We need them!