And how do you propose the hypothetical slabbing question to the membership be phrased?
Reminds me of the question .... "Did you know that Joe Sixpack beats his wife?"
No matter how one responds to the above hypothetical question, the answer can be taken in two different ways.
1. Yes, I knew that Joe Sixpack beats his wife.
2. No, I didn't know that Joe Sixpack beats his wife.
Both responses have taken it for granted that Joe Sixpack does beat his wife when quite the contrary may be true.
Let's face it folks. The club officers had the absolute right to vote on this issue. To compare their vote to a Dictatorship is not an accurate reflection of the facts. The membership's disagreement is on the outcome of the vote when so many club members have publicly expressed their objections to slabbing so far in advance of the elections. Only one additional Board vote was needed for this question to go the other way.
We are not a coin club. Slabbing is an acceptable way of life in the coin hobby. In fact, many coin clubs present donated or purchased slabbed coins as awards, or offer donated or purchased slabbed coins as raffle prizes. It's an acceptable practice in the coin hobby to do so.
We are not a coin hobby. Chips are not coins, and vice-versa. What is acceptable in one hobby may not be universally acceptable to chippers. It should be obvious to most, that recognizing 1-70 point grading definitions for coins are unacceptable parameters when grading chips. Chips have no lusterous surfaces as coins do. That fact alone makes a 1-70 point chip grading system preposterous to even consider. Until the grading problem gets resolved, it is ludicrous (in my opinion) to send out a proxy to the membership to vote on slabbing when a chip's grade must be determined before it is sealed into a slab.
Simple solution:?
No Slabs Allowed for three days out of the year. To those who do like the slabs, you can always buy them elsewhere throughout the remainder of the year. The solution is so simple, I don't understand all the furor. Gene T. will be back, Jim K. will be back, and who knows who else is presently sitting on the fence ready to throw in the next towell.
Is the Board listening? I know that President Nate is.... at least he said so in his campaign pledge.