Charles K. posted ...... "I've learned that "banning" is only a temporary solution, at best. If people really want something, they will figure out a way to get it. The real solution to these kinds of problems is to change people's attitudes. Educate people so that they won't want slabbed chips.
Charles; What better way to "educate people" than by the club taking a position to ban the slab for three days out of the year? Your reference to "finding out a way to get it"... has no merit. No one has suggested that people can't obtain slabs via other avenues. The message is pure and simple ..... "Keep it out of our convention". Don't you think that by taking that reasonable measure that uninformed folks will want to know why such a large presitigious organization has taken such a position and ask questions? THAT.... is the educational value that you speak of. There is NO educational value gained by allowing the slabbers to participate with the blessing of and invitation from the elected club officers.